SARAYA Solutions Blog

Keeping Yourself and Others Safe From Colds and Flu this Winter

Written by Mark | 16/04/2024 8:02:38 AM

Tips on keeping yourself and others healthy during cold and flu season.

In Australia more people get colds and flu between May and September than any other time, and after the challenges with COVID the last thing we need is for colds and flu to go around. Here are a few things we can do to help prevent the spread of germs and keep ourselves, and our friends and family healthy. 

1. Educate:

Providing educational reminders next to hand hygiene dispensers guides people on the proper way to wash or sanitise hands so the do not miss a spot - the right technique is really important.

Check out our DL "How To" posters here

They fit perfectly alongside a dispenser. Then forward this blog to others…

2. Don’t Soldier On...

If you have symptoms stay at home. Typically, we are infectious before we show symptoms and can remain infectious up to 7 days after we feel better. By recognising the symptoms and staying home to rest you prevent others getting sick and you are more likely to recover sooner.

With the current staff shortages in Australia, we should be staying home or at least working from home so we don't infect our work collogues. “Presenteeism” is becoming a concern for business and is where a sick person “Soldiers On” by coming to work, only to infect everyone else.

3. Catch your coughs and sneezes, and open the window.

Viruses that cause colds and flu are spread either by breathing in fine droplets in the air from coughing and sneezing, or by touching your nose, mouth, or eyes after picking up the virus from an infected surface. By catching coughs and sneezes you help prevent both, and if you don’t have a tissue use you elbow or your sleeve and wash your hands after.

Keeping fresh air circulating dilutes airborne particles and can reduce infections, so keep a window or a door open.

4. Avoid Touching your Eyes, Nose, and Mouth.

These are the areas where germs can gain access to infect us, so avoiding touching our eyes, nose, and mouth, helps prevent infections. If you are sick this will also help prevent contaminating your hands and therefore contaminating others. To help prevent passing on infections try fist pumping instead of handshakes.

5. Regular Hand washing:

Hands are the ideal cross-contamination tool, and the best way to remove germs from the hands is to wash with a good quality soap and water. Studies have shown that improving hand washing can reduce infections by between 20 and 40%. A more recent study by the WHO suggests nearly 70% of infections can be prevented in health care with proper hand hygiene and infection prevention.

The technique is really important to make sure you are not missing the most contaminated spots like the fingertips. Check out this video here for the ideal technique, remembering to wash for at least 20 seconds and to dry your hands afterwards.

Using a soap that feels good and that people like to use, will encourage them to wash more often. Of course make sure that the dispensers are checked regularly to ensure they are working and have enough soap. Our range of hand soaps can be found here.

6. Use a Hand Sanitiser

Washing with soap and water is always preferred but sometimes it is not possible, so a 70% alcohol-based hand sanitiser is a good alternative. Choosing the right-hand sanitiser for you is discussed here in our blog. A quality hand sanitiser will feel light and leave your skin feeling great, if it feels sticky or smells bad you are likely to avoid it. See our sanitiser options here.

Then place sanitisers in key locations such as entrances, desktops, and public spaces, and encourage others to use them. Use enough sanitiser to keep your hands wet with alcohol for at least 15-20 seconds, and remember to cover those “Most Missed Spots”.

Dry skin is more common over winter so choosing a hand sanitiser with built in moisturisers like our Saraya S-7 will help prevent the skin from drying out when using hand sanitisers.

7. Use Alcohol Wipes to Clean and Sanitise Desks, Phones, Keyboards, and Frequently Touched Surfaces

Research has shown a typical office desk can contain more germs than found on a toilet seat, with keyboards showing a similar trend. Using an alcohol wipe to regularly wipe these and other frequently touched surfaces will help reduce these germs and your risk of getting sick.

Have alcohol-based wipes such as our S-7 Alcohol Wipes at each workspace especially at communal places like the photocopier, coffee machine, water cooler, and use the wipes regularly to wipe the surfaces.

8. Look After Yourself!

Keep healthy by exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet and reduce stress. The healthier you are the better your body can fight off infections. You may also want to consider a Flu Vaccine.

Contact us here if you need more information.