SARAYA Solutions Blog


    Will A Good Hand Hygiene Program Save Money?

    Hand hygiene has always been important, but the COVID-19 pandemic has brought it to the forefront of public health discussions like never before. Not only is hand hygiene crucial for preventing the spread of infectious diseases, but it is also a smart financial investment for both individuals and businesses.

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    World Food Safety Day - 7th June 2022

    Join the World Health Organization (WHO) and Saraya Solutions to participate in the annual World Food Safety Day, June 7th, 2022.

    We are all food consumers, and we all want our food to be safe. Why? Foodborne diseases range from mild to very serious and can even lead to death. From a social perspective, they contribute to absenteeism from school and work and reduce productivity. If we come together collectively to incorporate good food safety practices in our day-to-day lives, we can prevent foodborne illness and promote productivity. Each person has a role to play – whether you grow, process, transport, store, sell, buy, prepare or serve food – food safety is in your hands. 

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    Winter Dry Skin & What You Can Do About It

    Winter can be a challenge for our health, with many of us heading indoors and turning the heating up. Besides the increased risks of colds and flu (see our blog on this here)dry skin is an issue we frequently asked about during the colder months, especially our hands. We explore some of the reasons why our hands dry out in winter and what to do to prevent it.

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    How to choose a Hand Sanitiser

    10 Things to Consider When Buying a Hand Sanitiser for Your Business

    You want a hand sanitiser to keep your staff, your customers, and your family safe, and like many of us you want to make sure you are buying the best you can. This list will give you some insights on buying the right product for you, and avoiding those that are not worth it. 

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