SARAYA Solutions Blog

Study Shows Hand Washing Reduces Risk of COVID-19 by 53%

Written by Mark | 16/04/2024 3:07:31 PM

A recent study showed that there were 3 major interventions that could reduce the risks of getting COVID-19.

Understandably we are going to highlight that the study showed proper hand hygiene reduces your risks by up to 53%. Hand washing with soap and water remains one of the most effective ways to not only prevent COVID-19 but also other illnesses such as Colds, Flu, Stomach Bugs etc. If you want to see a really good video that visually demonstrates how to wash your hands and prevent those most missed spots, check out this video here

Washing with soap and water is ideal but they are not always available, so the recommendations are to use an alcohol based hand sanitiser of at least 60% alcohol, however we would recommend aiming for a sanitiser with at least 70% alcohol. If you want to know more details, check out our blog on how to choose a hand sanitiser here.

Wearing masks also showed over 50% reduction in COVID-19 incidence, with physical distancing showing a 25% reduction in risks. This study was compiled by Dr Stell Talic of Monash University and published in the British Medical Journal.

We have a detailed blog on how to improve hand hygiene compliance in food and other high risk facilities here. For an office or workplace we would make the following suggestions to help improve hand hygiene:

  1. Choose products that people like and want to use. This will encourage more frequent use, and a product that feels great will create a good impression.
  2. Provide initial training and ongoing reminders. People who know "How To" and the "Why To" are more likely to do it properly and more often. Reminders like posters or "How To Use" signs above dispensers help keep hand hygiene top of mind. Change this up so the messages don't get boring and see our range of posters here
  3. No Touch Automatic dispensers are ideal for hand sanitiser in public areas. Make sure they are reliable and are always kept full.
  4. Be a champion! Lead by example and encourage other team members to join you. Keep doing it right and helping others as this will create a culture of good hand hygiene.
  5. Hand hygiene products need to be accessible and in key positions such as Automatic dispensers on a stands at all entrances and exits, bottles of hand sanitiser on desks, and soap dispensers in the bathrooms. Get a great deal here on our TS 160 bundle of an automatic hand sanitiser dispenser, a stand with space for a poster, and hand sanitiser refills.