Will A Good Hand Hygiene Program Save Money?

April 16 2024

Hand hygiene has always been important, but the COVID-19 pandemic has brought it to the forefront of public health discussions like never before. Not only is hand hygiene crucial for preventing the spread of infectious diseases, but it is also a smart financial investment for both individuals and businesses.

Proper hand hygiene saves money by reducing the spread of illnesses. A study published by the American Journal of Infection Control showed an improvement in illness rates of 20% with 43% less absenteeism simply by increasing the awareness of the importance of hand hygiene and placement of hand sanitisers.

When people get sick, they often need to take time off work or school, which can lead to lost wages and decreased productivity. According to a study by the Integrated Benefits Institute, illness related lost productivity cost employers in America US$575 Billion in 2019 (pre-COVID).

Colds, flu, and stomach bugs tend to travel through the workplace, especially in winter with more people indoors. Replacing workers off sick can be challenging and could delay projects, cause key deadlines to be missed, or poor customer service, all of which has an impact on customers. Those still at work often need to work overtime to pick up the slack, and this costs additional wages and lowers staff moral. In Australia, the direct cost is estimated to be approx. AU$3500 per employee per year. A 43% reduction in this far outweighs the actual costs of a good hand hygiene program.

For individuals, this also means no doctor’s visits, no cold & flu medications, and no boxes of tissues. While this may sound trivial the costs add up to far more than a quality hand soap, but it is also the human cost that needs to be avoided as some illnesses can seriously affect immune-compromised people, children, and the elderly. Simply washing or sanitising your hands protects you and your loved ones.


Investing in reliable hand hygiene systems makes good sense as broken or unreliable systems cause frustration and increase maintenance. Automatic touchless dispensers, water taps, and doors have become increasingly popular in public spaces as a way to reduce the spread of germs. Touchless options are often preferred and will therefore be used more often. Contact us here if we can help you set up your facility. 

Raising awareness and encouraging good hand hygiene is key so that people learn to practice good hand hygiene and costs very little, especially when compared to the 43% reduction in absenteeism it could provide. Learn more about how to do this by reading our blog on the 5 steps to improve hand hygiene compliance. You can also start now by downloading our free hand hygiene awareness posters here and placing them alongside your dispensers.

Good hand hygiene is not only essential for preventing the spread of infectious diseases, but it is also a smart financial investment. By reducing the spread of illnesses, and investing in reliable dispensing systems, good hand hygiene can save individuals and businesses money. So, remember to wash your hands regularly and encourage others to do the same – it's not only good for your health but also for your wallet.

For more information check out our 10 things to consider before buying a hand sanitiser here.

Winter Health hand hygiene compliance cost of hand hygiene hand hygiene